Rev. Summer Albayati is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister who has served various congregations in Southern California.  Rev. Summer began her healing journey by using drums as a spiritual tool to connect to the divine spirit.  At the age of 12, she discovered this gift as she played drums professionally with her Iraqi father, the legendary Saadoun Al-Bayati, and fell into a relaxed state that many describe as a trance.  This was not a surprise since her paternal grandmother was a Sufi Healer (Na'imiyya order) and her paternal grandfather had a medicinal herbal store and practice.  Healers were a part of her ancestral DNA.  It seemed Rev. Summer was called to heal the world.  

After studying psychology and education, getting married and having a beautiful baby boy, Rev. Summer was diagnosed with cancer.  It was during those days of fighting to survive for her beloved child, that she discovered a call to ministry.  Like many, however, she refused to answer that call from the divine.  Later, she finally listened to the divine spirit and attended Claremont School of Theology, where she discovered how the divine was working within her own life.  Rev. Summer has studied in depth, Buddhist chanting, Sufi drumming, vibrational healing energy, Ho'oponopono Hawaiian Healing and the power of prayer.  She has written a chapter in Centering: Navigating Race, Authenticity and Power in Ministry published by Skinner House, as well as chapters on Islam and music within various anthologies.  Rev. Summer writes poetry (published online) often and has a book meditating on the Qur'an as liberative and progressive coming out soon.


Answering her true calling to heal, Rev. Summer works with those who need to discover that divine spirit within their own lives, and who need to learn to listen deeply to answer their own calling.  In addition, she facilitates deep healing and transformation within her clients who sometimes may need more than Spiritual Direction or Coaching.  To that end, Rev. Summer uses her own spiritual gifts to aid in that healing process:

  • Sufi Drumming/Chanting
  • Buddhist Meditation/Chanting
  • Ho'oponopono Certified Practitioner
  • Reiki Master
  • Spiritual Direction/Coaching
  • Healing Prayers
  • Islamic Meditation and Prayers

Instagram: Rev.SummerAlbayati

Facebook: Summer Albayati                              Email: UURevSummer@gmail.com

Podcast on Society and Culture: thebayatbeat.podbean.com


Muslims for Progressive Values: mpvusa.org

Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries: druumm.org

UU Mystics:  uumystics.org

UU Minister's Association:  uuma.org

Spiritual Directors International:  sdicompanions.org

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